2024 – the Year of the Wood Dragon

Saturday, the 10th of February 2024 is the first day of the Chinese year of the Green Wood Dragon. Dragon is the 5th animal in the Chinese Animal System. It is the only mystical and legendary animal in the Chinese zodiac. In the Chinese tradition, Dragon is a symbol of transformation, communication, connection, strength, courage... Continue Reading →

‘Senseless’ and ‘Senseful’ Ways of Being

Speaking about senses, each species has developed the sensory systems they need to live in their natural environment. Evolution takes care of this. Many birds have remarkable eyesight, many predators possess extraordinary sense of smell, and so on. The importance of a given sense to an animal is reflected in the size of the neocortical... Continue Reading →

Exploring Umwelt:

The fact is that there is one physical world (we are aware of), and as many ‘sensory perceptual worlds’ as there are different species. How do we all know what is ‘out there’? We know through our senses, of course. It is our senses that ‘deliver the information’ about our environment, and our ‘inner feelings’ to the brain, where this raw information is processed, and ‘our own world’ is created. We then act upon it. This process is very complicated and differs greatly from species to species.

Metaphors & idioms with ‘hare’

In English, the hare has inspired many metaphors and idioms over the centuries, reflecting its various qualities and associations. For instance, its legendary speed and agility gave rise to such expressions as: ‘quick as a hare,’ ‘as fast as a hare’ or ‘nimble as a hare.’ These phrases are commonly used to describe someone who... Continue Reading →

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